Monthly Archives: August 2013


We, Taylor Matson, Shandra Clark, Emily Boquet, and Claire Swarner, intend to offer innovative perspectives on what makes beauty in literature by examining imagery, vivid descriptions, sensory explorations, and other literary devices that are present throughout our class readings. We will examine how the examples we find are both alike and similar in form and detail, and yet all manage to somehow serve the same purpose: to create beauty, in one form or another, through written word. Although every individual has different tastes in literature, and it is therefore likely we will not all unanimously enjoy all the works we read in this class, we hope to show that beauty can be found in literature in many different places and achieved through many different means, even if that beauty may not be seen immediately on the surface. If applicable, we will attempt to link what we read to present day situations, be it another piece of literature, current events, or personal experiences, in order to make them more relatable and to be able to engage ourselves and our peers in a more personal conversation about our readings. Overall, we will do our best to relay our appreciation of literature, and all that makes a work interesting and unique, in an engaging and enlightening manner.


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